Eurostar offers

An overview of the best offers for Eurostar train tickets

A trip with the high-speed train Eurostar to London, Paris, Disney, Antwerp or Brussels is even better if you save money on train tickets. The best Eurostar offers can be found here: so you’ll never pay too much!

Book from any station near you

Do you live in Groningen or Den Helder? Or do you live near another station? You can pay less if you book from a nearby station. The inbound journey to Amsterdam, Schiphol or Rotterdam will then cost no more than € 9 (2nd class) and € € 15 (1st class) when booking to Paris.

Other advantages are:

  • You only have to check in once with your international ticket .
  • Your entire journey is tracked when you load it into the app; you will receive a message if there is any important travel information
  • You are entitled to compensation, in the event of delay on any part of your journey.

Are you a member of Club Eurostar?

You can also earn points when booking with us using your Club Eurostar. When you add your card to your profile, your number will be remembered if you book while being logged in.

Book in advance and save money!

Is there no relevant offer for you (yet)? Don’t worry; the best way to save money is to book as early as possible. Eurostar allows you to book up to 4 months before departure. Instead of booking last-minute, book as early as possible for the best chance at getting the lowest rates.

Can you not book your ticket (now)? Subscribe to our handy booking alert and get a message on the day you can book your ticket.

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A later train?

Did you know that travelling in the evening is cheaper than travelling during the day? It might be cheaper to take a train later that day. Having a lie-in might pay off (if it fits into your schedule)!

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10 FAQ about Eurostar to Paris