Contact NS International
NS International Business to Business
For questions about international trains, tariffs, (corporate) contracts, @tlantis training and agent benefits.
Email B2B: (only for travel agents!)
NS International
Stationsplein 25
1012 AB Amsterdam
Postal address
NS International
Postbus 767
1000 AT Amsterdam
NS International Expertisecentrum Operations
For questions or help with booking in @lantis, call 3188 - 671 16 30.
NS International Customer Service
For booking by phone or help with booking/cancellation in RailAgent, call 3130 - 230 00 23. First choose option 5 “For English” and then choose option 3 "If you are call on behalf of a travel agency”.
NS International Groups tours
Booking group tours for 10 or more people can be done via the group travel form
NS Customer Service Finance
For questions about the monthly invoice: send an email to (only for travel agents!)